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West Cambridge


We understand that development naturally raises questions and we want to answer questions that you might have.  Please contact us if you have any questions through the Contact Form. Some questions area raised frequently and we will add to this section of FAQs. 

Q. Can the road network support development?

The process of the Masterplan Review will establish the levels of employment space that the West Cambridge site will be developing over the long term. These proposals will be reliant on a range of technical assessments, including analysis of the highways network.  The University has transport consultants to work through the masterplan process and they will also conduct assessments with Cambridgeshire County Council's transport modelling to ensure that the levels that are proposed can be supported by the highways network. 

Concurrently, the City Deal is making a series of proposals to improve infrastructure in Cambridge. Our team will keep abreast of developments that affect the vicinity. 

One of the key principles of the West Cambridge masterplan is to incorporate sustainable travel plans to the site, which means that other methods of transport i.e. public transport, bike and foot, will also be an important part of the travel strategy for the site. 

Q. Can you build more residential homes on the site?

The University has identified the West Cambridge site as an area to promote research space for Physical Sciences and Technology to establish a globally significant centre that will benefit the City and the University.  The Draft Local Plan supports the densification of the site for research purposes.  We believe that to change adapt the area to include additional residential homes will undermine the aspirations to build a premier research area.  We understand the need for more homes in Cambridge and the University has made significant investment in housing, particularly through the 1500 affordable homes and 1500 market homes on the North West Cambridge Development, on the north side of Madingley Road.