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Following the amendments in October 2017 to planning application 16/1134/OUT the University undertook further consultation with all stakeholders to update, and in some instances revise its proposals in relation to West Cambridge. There has been considerable discussion with both the City Council and County Council relating to outstanding matters including transport, and this additional information now submitted will enable the application to move forward to determination early in 2021.

A summary of the additional information is provided in the Covering letter contained within the documentation.

Please note that some documents are large and may require time to download, and due to their size some documents have been split into parts.

Covering letter

Revised Parameter Plans and Statement

Revised Design Guidleines

Planning Statement Addendum

Revised Design and Access Statement

Environmental Statement Addendum

Revised Transport Assessment

Revised Travel Plan

Revised Servicing Technical Note

Innovation District Letter

Transport Assessment Proforma