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West Cambridge

Update 26 June 2024 - We are currently reviewing the published information about the Cambridge West Innovation District to ensure that it reflects the current situation as well as our ambitions to transform the existing campus into a connected, beautiful and sustainable place, open to all. We will be sharing more information soon.


The University of Cambridge is making plans to ensure that its long-term growth will be supported by its estate. The West Cambridge site is an important part of both the University's estate and its growth.  This website is dedicated to providing information about the masterplanning process that the University is undertaking to support an outline planning application which was submitted in June 2016.

Development at West Cambridge has been on-going since the 1960s and planning permission was granted in 1999 for the current framework for the site. A review of the site through a masterplanning process is currently underway which aims to create a high quality, well connected research environment that will support the University's and City's globally competitive position, whilst also creating opportunities to support the Cambridge Cluster with the commercialisation of knowledge through entrepreneurship and collaboration with industry. 

This website is a platform to share and consult on the proposals for the masterplan, which is the long term plan for the West Cambridge site. We want to create the best possible research environment and we value the input from our stakeholders. Please take time to look at our plans and attend consultation events. Importantly please provide feedback at our events or by email through the Contact page so we can understand your views on the emerging proposals in advance of the planning application.

In parallel to the masterplan review that will look at the long-term development of West Cambridge, there is on-going improvement and current development on the existing site. For information about developments that are in progress, please contact the University's Estates Division.

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