The University submitted an outline planning application in June 2016 to support the masterplan review. Planning permission is being sought for up to 383,300 sq m of development to support the proposals to create a premier location for physical sciences and technology.
The full planning application is available from the Planning Portal on the Cambridge City Council website (Reference 16/1134/OUT). The documents submitted in June 2016 are available below.
Please note that some documents are large and may require time to download, and due to their size have been split into parts.
1. Covering letter
Outline planning application - cover letter
2. Planning Application
Application Form Certificates and Notices
- Application form to Cambridge City Council
3. Supporting Information
Statement of Community Involvement
Environmental Statement
- Volume 1 (Non-technical Summary)
- Volume 2 (Main report)
- Volume 3 (Technical Appendices)
- part 1
- part 2
Transport Assessment
- part 1
- part 2
- part 3
- part 4
- part 5
Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy
- part 1
- part 2
- part 3
- part 4
- part 5
Construction and Environment Management Plan
Contextual Drawings
- part 1
- part 2